The photos I took of your performance

Hi Paul,
As you can see below, there are a lot of experiences between us that resonate. In light of this, I believe there would be great value in an opportunity to get together and speak informally.

My name is Miłosz Pierwoła, Esq. and I have been tapped as a resource for both national and international policy in Poland regarding the identity of Poles around the world. In addition to speaking this summer at conferences on economics and commerce, I am currently working with local schools in developing an instructional program that utilizes media and art to communicate heritage. We have modern facilities that include cameras, computers, and media classrooms, as well as art-creating facilities. In addition, I am producing the calendar of events at a major regional hotel, Nad Przełomem, which is currently hosting my exhibition Flisacy. And more broadly, I returned to Poland to renovate a large property with beautiful fields in both Slovakia and Poland. This property will become an art and culture facility, with recording studios, workshops, exhibition spaces, and even performance saunas.

I will immediately volunteer myself to participate in painting the bear cage – that type of project, and your meditation where we first met, is my type of jam. However, I am happy to make the trip up to Warsaw sooner, if you believe there is another opportunity.

Below, I provide some information about myself, enjoy!


My Accessibility Project

2015 purchased 360 camera, using math and various software, figured out how to work with raw footage to create fully dynamic experiences that I installed into multiple headsets and brought to hospitals & care facilities. These headsets allowed individuals with limited mobility to experience the world as a person without limitations. Access.

also made art with the (then) novel technique.

My Everest Project

2017 partnered with major nonprofit to collaborate and film effort. That year, we were awarded the 2017 Explorer’s Club Citation of Merit, hosted by Robert DeNiro at the honorary annual Explorer’s Club Dinner.

I finished school with a mathematics major, also at the same time economics.
Then I went to Law School and became an attorney

I worked with Nobel Prize Nominee, UN Delegate to Country of Samoa, prof. of International Law Roger S. Clark for four years. I worked to help people – traveled and worked in South Africa with the Constitutional Court of South Africa directly with Senior Justices in meaningful childrens rights case. Also, worked in London at the Royal Courts of Justice with barrister who helped non-English speaking immigrants ascertain their rights. Then, I worked in one of the largest law firms in NYC – believe it or not, litigating against all of the world’s largest banks resulting from the 2008 financial crisis… I really looked hard for a place for myself there.
But, I hate to spoil the surprise… I didn’t find it there.

Starting in 2009 I joined the camp Disorient at Burning Man. Together, we constructed multi-level wood and iron structures in the desert. We then produced a football-pitch sized arena, installed programmable LED lighting, concert speakers, and brought in world-class DJs. I worked in all aspects of the project from concept to production and installation, and during the performances as a stage manager.
I was brought on because I produced my own events including adventure sports outings, social gatherings, and other boring stuff, but also the first ever Boat Rave in Philadelphia, a 3 day music festival in another state, and lots of smaller events.


In 2018 I returned from Mt. Everest and was hungry for the city. I took the job of producer for a $2M Fine Art Exhibition in Chelsea, NYC with a world famous artist, honoring Gloria Steinem. We had over 850 in attendance, making us one of the top events in that month in NYC, covered by Rolling Stone, Vanity Fair, Wall Street Journal, NYT, NY Post, ABC TV, Fox TV, and more… also, performances by the NY Ballet and world-famous performers.

Speaking of Events #BecomeYourHero

In 2015 I started a lecture series called #BecomeYourHero. The presentation follows my life and serves as an inspirational and instructional lecture, describing how to begin making concrete plans to achieve a dream career. The presentation additionally helps develop a mind-set that overcomes challenges in creative ways, utilizes novel resources, and redefines common perspectives. A major success of the program is a child I mentored since 2017 who attended the #BecomeYourHero lecture who has recently completed a major national project providing access to mountain bike sports (pp. 22-27) in Nepal in collaboration with the government.
#BecomeYourHero has been presented to over 50,000 on 4 continents.

put your MONEY where your MOUTH is…

from 2018 to 2021 I conceptualized, organized, and created the First Climbing School in Iraq in History.

The promotional video above is for a documentary about the project that I started with Polish Explorer’s Club Vice President and past Editor in Chief of National Explorer Poland, Marcin Jamkowski. The project was spearheaded by me, the only individual operating outside of Iraq. My team in Iraq consisted of a group of climbers whose desire it was to create the first ever climbing and outdoor education program in the country. The project included many firsts; first mountain rescue team in Iraq’s history, first translated climbing instruction book, first video online classes with world-famous climbers, first translated documentary, first mountain shelter, highest protected climbing route in Iraq, new discoveries including caves and canyons, and much more. These individuals went on to become some of the most decorated mountain climbers in Iraq, with one who will remain a close friend forever…

The school has had thousands of students since, including the first woman instructor who holds the record as the first Middle-Eastern woman to climb Lenin Peak.

I also support a children’s shelter in Romania

This is an on-going project that requires a lot of attention. I regularly deliver donations and provide financial support from donations. In addition, I travel to the program to participate in upgrading the infrastructure.

And together, this all exists under my non-profit

Click for website.

Sromo House Heritage Project

The Sromo House Heritage project is an application of my skills & experience in the regional environment of the Pieniny Mountains, in the Podhale region of Poland. The project is founded in my personal journey that discovers my own past and heritage as a góral, from a flisak family that was one of the first in this 700 year old village. As an emigrant to the United States, and as a seasoned traveler, I aim to translate the culture and heritage of this region into easily-consumable content for an international consumer; focusing on audio-visual communication which minimizes or altogether avoids language barriers. The larger goal of the project is to provide academic instruction to regional youth in a formal setting, enabling individuals from the local community to reproduce this method of communication that prioritises clarity for a foreign audience. The project is especially aimed at Polish diaspora that is seeking clear and convenient information about their heritage.

  • Spływ Dunajcem – Flisacy
    • Stworzyliśmy pierwsze archiwum katalogów fotograficznych dla Flisaków, w tym oficjalną tablicę członkowską Flisak
    • Wyprodukowaliśmy 500 archiwalnych portretów Flisaków
    • Zrealizowaliśmy wystawę fotograficzną Flisacy
  • Sromo House Galeria Fotografii i Sztuki Regionalnej
    • Prowadzimy warsztaty, wykłady i zajęcia, które obejmowały tworzenie stron internetowych, lekcje języka angielskiego i doradztwo biznesowe
    • Tworzymy wystawy fotograficznye, które tkął wizualne historie zgodne z regionalną historią i tradycją, mające na celu edukację publiczności
    • Galeria pełniła funkcję Informacji Turystycznej dla gości nie mówiących po polsku
    • Wyprodukowaliśmy wiele książek fotograficznych o tematyce regionalnej
    • Wpsieraliśmy lokalnych artystów i zmaterializowaliśmy międzynarodową współpracę
  • Zaangażowanie Akademiczne
    • Prezentacje w lokalnych szkołach; Prezentacja #ZostańSwoimBohaterem
    • Tworzenie Zachęt Dziedzictwa dla wiedzy regionalnej; zorganizowaliśmy konkurs fotografii we współpracy z XXV Konkursem Wiedzy o Pieninach.
    • Staże i inne możliwości dla regionalnej młodzieży, kierując ciekawość do szerokich i różnorodnych możliwości
  • Kościół i religia
    • Dokumentuj wydarzenia związane z dziedzictwem, produkuj filmy i zdjęcia
    • Wyprodukowano wystawę fotografii renowacji kościoła, w tym wydarzenie upamiętniające w materiałach, w tym książkach i innych pamiątkach
    • Modernizacja strony internetowej Kościoła
  • OSP Sromowce Wyżne
    • Utworzono archiwum fotografii członków
    • Nagrane filmy pamiątkowe na wyjątkowe okazje
    • Zmodernizowana strona internetowa i przeszkolony administrator OSP
  • Koło Gospodyń Wiejskich i podobne kluby i organizacje regionalne
    • Współpracuj i organizuj wydarzenia związane z dziedzictwem, takie jak Festyn, zimowe targi bożonarodzeniowe i święta
  • Restauracje i hotele
    • Tworzenie treści specyficznych dla mediów społecznościowych dla regionalnych restauracji w celu dystrybucji wśród międzynarodowych konsumentów
    • Tworzenie galerii dziedzictwa dla turystów, które podkreślają regionalną historię i wiedzę oraz promują wiedzę o regionalnej florze i faunie
  • Konserwacja
    • Tworzenie portretów i przeprowadzanie wywiadów ze starszymi członkami społeczności
    • Instalowanie minimalnej infrastruktury, która promuje ciekawość, wiedzę, zaangażowanie i szacunek (n.p. tabliczki informacyjne)
  • “Nowa technologia”
    • Mówiąc szeroko, rozpoznanie regionalnego trendu o znaczącym potencjale i stworzenie warunków do kształtowania rozwoju dla międzynarodowej konsumpcji
  • Przyczyny non-profit i humanitarne
    • Zorganizowanie zbiórki odzieży i narzędzi dla rumuńskiego schroniska dla dzieci